Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Predictions for Iowa...


2008 Democratic Iowa Presidential Caucus:

Hillary Clinton: 31%
John Edwards: 29%
Barack Obama: 26%
Joe Biden: 7%
Bill Richardson: 4%
Dennis Kucinich: 2%
Chris Dodd: 1%

2008 Republican Iowa Presidential Caucus:

Mike Huckabee: 27%
Mitt Romney: 23%
Ron Paul: 13%
John McCain: 12%
Fred Thompson: 12%
Rudy Giuliani: 8%
Duncan Hunter: 5%

Huckabee’s populist tactics will get people out and caucusing. Romney’s money and consulting will not.

Hillary’s machine will roll.

Edwards will have a last minute, Daily Kos fueled surge and cut some “15% deals” to grab second.

Ron Paul’s die-hards will caucus, and it will turn out he was slightly under polling because many of them were not classified as “likely voters.”

Biden and Hunter will do well enough to stay in it until New Hampshire if they really want to.

Look for Dodd to drop out before New Hampshire. There is a slight possibility Fred and Richardson could drop out also.

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